
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_up
Development, modeling, and nanopositioning control of piezo-actuated compliant mechanisms with large strok
Tang, Hui, Li, Yang Min 2014. Doctoral
漢語語綴 : 理論問題與個案研究
董思聰 徐杰 2014. Doctoral
PFLL(European Union Law) 000 (SAMPLE) 比較視域中的犯罪論體系 : 由差異至普適
潘星丞 趙國強 2014. Doctoral
A hybrid intelligent approach for prognosis of cardiovascular disease through complexity and similarity analysis of biological sequence of heart sound check Full Text
Sekar, Booma Devi Dong, Ming Chui 2014. Doctoral
Stock price synchronicity and labor power : international evidence check Full Text
Lyu, Chan, Yuen Chun Yip 2014. Doctoral
Exploring the impact of RFID technology on supply chain check Full Text
Xu, Wei Lian, Zhao Tong 2014. Doctoral
How does travelers' perceived freedom of choice affect their satisfaction and future behavioral intentions? check Full Text
Li, Jun, Liu, Xiao Ming 2014. Doctoral
Some new tests for detecting spatial clusters of disease check Full Text
Zhou, Ruo Yu Shu, Lian Jie 2014. Doctoral
A study of service systems with boundedly rational customers check Full Text
Li, Xin Lian, Zhao Tong 2014. Doctoral
Bank competition, efficiency, and liquidity creation in Asia Pacific check Full Text
Lin, Yong Jia Fu, Xiao Qing 2014. Doctoral

Showing 471 to 480 of 507 results