
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_down Degree
Language attitudes of civil servants in the Special Administrative Region of Macao
Hao, Chi Iok Chan Hok Shing Brian 2010. Master
Money laundering control in Macau gaming industry
Jiang, Hua Godinho, Jorge A. F. 2010. Master
羅凱華 施議對 2010. Master
The preliminary ruling : jurisdictional mechanism of cooperation between the Court of Justice of the European Union and national courts
Lu, Yun Castro, Paulo Canelas de 2010. Master
Estudo da expressão morfo-sintáctica das categorias de tempo, modo e aspecto em maquista
Pinharanda Nunes, Mário Baxter, Alan Norman 2010. Doctoral
Stories by...portfolio consisting of dissertation and creative work
Wong, Lai Fan Kelen Christopher 2010. Master
張曦雯 陳建新 2010. Master
An empirical examination of the corporate governance structure of CITIC Pacific
Wong, Weng Chou Law Kin Fun 2010. Master
Urban income inequality and FDI : results from provincial panel in China
Ruan, Da Chao Chen, Yu 2010. Master
中國內地與澳門累犯制度比較研究 = Comparative study of the recidivist systems in Mainland China and Macao
申思琦 趙國強 2010. Master

Showing 61 to 70 of 272 results