
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

Abstract This study aims to explore the self concept and the team cooperation which were the educational effects generated by the implementation of Adventure Education in primary school Physical Education lessons. It also investigated the feasibility of applying experimental curriculums to Physical Education course in local primary schools. The research adopted one-group pretest-posttest design. The sample of the study consisted of forty-two fifth-grade students in a local primary school. Restricted by administrative relation, all the participants were only selected as an experimental group in the quasi-experimental study. No control group was included in the study. All the subjects received the pretest, the midtest and the posttest test with the Team Cooperation Scale, the Self-concept Scale and the Physical Education Value Scale which were revised by the researcher. The date was analyzed by Paired samples t-test, Pearson Correlation and descriptive statistics. Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn: 1. The Adventure Education Activities had a significant effect on Primary fifth-grade students on the Team Cooperation Scale. 2. The Adventure Education Activities had no significant influence on Primary fifth-grade students in the corporal self component of the Self Concept Scale; however, there was influence in both the psychological self component and the social self component. 3. The Adventure Education Activities had no significant effect on Primary fifth-grade students on the Physical Education Value Scale; however, there was a significant difference in the interpersonal relation component in pretest, midtest and posttest. 4. Reviewing the overall implementation of the curriculum, it was found that the curriculum used in the research is suitable for the current Physical Education curriculum. 5. Team Cooperation, Self-concept and Physical Education had high correlation.

Chinese Abstract

中文摘要 本研究旨在探討歷奇教育活動(Adventure Education)實施於小學五年級學體育課中所產生的的教育成效——自我概念及團隊合作,以及實驗課程能否應用於本地之體育課之中,並根據研究結果提出具體建議,以供未來實踐歷奇教育活動和未來相關研究之參考。 本研究為單組前後測之準實驗設計,以本地某校小學五年級之學生為研究對象,由於行政聯絡關係,未能作出隨機抽樣,亦未能加入對照組,整個研究僅以研象對象在參與實驗課程前、中及後測所得的之數據進行比較。本研究使用之研究工具為研究者自行改編或翻譯之量表,三個量表分別為「團隊合作量表」、「自我概念量表」及「體育價值量表」,以此進行前測、中期測與後測。實驗所得資料以相依樣本T考驗、皮爾遜相關分析及描述性統計等統計方法,進行各項檢定。 本研究所獲致之發現如下: 1. 歷奇教育活動對小學五年級學生之「團隊合作」的大部分指標產生效果。 2. 在「自我概念」中,對於軀體我的大部分指標未能產生效果,但在「軀體我」及「社會我」則有一定之影響。 3. 在「體育價值」方面,其大部分指標無顯著差異,但對人際關係方面的指標則有顯著之差異之效果。 4. 從整個課程實施之情況檢討,本研究所採用之課程為一合適於本地使用之體育課程。 5. 通過數據分析「團隊合作」、「自我概念」及「體育價值」三個指標的相關係數極高。

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Faculty of Education




Adventure education -- Macau

歷奇教育 -- 澳門

Physical education and training -- Study and teaching (Primary) -- Macau

體育教育及訓練 -- 學習及教學 (初級小學) -- 澳門



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