
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
Pile Dynamics and its applications in Macau
Ao, Peng Kong Subrahmanyam, M. S. 1997. Master
Decision support system case base reasoning applied to pile foundation
Garanito, Laurinda Aguiar Gomes Babka, Otakar 1997. Master
O direito penal informatica : o cibercrime na "INTERNET"
Kuok, Un Man 1997. Master
The Portuguese interests in Macau in the first half of the 18th century
Carmo, Maria Helena do Abreu, Humberto 1998. Master
A scalable web-based distributed network management architecture and the manager MIB design
Zhuang, Yan 1998. Master
Portugues em linha : o desafio da internet ao ensino do Portugues lingua estrangeira
Salomao, Ricardo, 1998. Master
A poesia classica chinesa : uma leitura de traducoes portuguesas
姚京明, 1998. Master
Career opportunities for business administration student : the case of Macau
Ieong, Ut Fong Antonio, Nelson Jose dos Santos 1998. Master
The implications of total quality management to the positioning and resource-based schools of strategic management
Martins, Paulo Manuel Guerreiro Gomes Antonio, Nelson Jose dos Santos 1998. Master
Customers values and attitudes of teenagers in relation to dieting
Ung, Rowena A. Nasol, Ramon Lino 1998. Master

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