
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
The birth and growth of the modern police in Xinjiang (1902-1928)
Zhang, Lu Jie Wei, C. X., George 2016. Master
Imagens de Macau nas décadas de 40-60 do século XX em A China Fica ao Lado de Maria Ondina Braga
Yang, Nan Gago, Dora Nunes 2016. Master
Particulas em cantones como marcas de sequencialidade em uma conversa entre jovens chineses de Macau : intersubjetividade e motor epistemico
Lao, Weng I Moutinho Rodrigues da Silva, Ricardo 2016. Master
The research on the jurisdiction of international criminal court
Yang, Meng 涂廣建 2016. Master
販賣毒品罪若干問題研究 = A study on various issues of drug trafficking
江雪梅 趙國強 2016. Master
The origin of piaose and its relationship with drama : a study of piaose in Wuchuan and Leizhou counties in Leizhou Peninsula
Li, Xiao Man 朱天舒 2016. Master
Transnational patent infringement litigation : jurisdiction and applicable law
Li, Ao 涂廣建 2016. Master
The effects of news frames : police press releases in the Umbrella Movement
Hoi, Ut Cheng Corbett John 2016. Master
Estrategias de autosselecao adotadas por alunos Chineses em interacoes de sala de aula de PLNM
Li, Pan Silva, Roberval Teixeira e 2016. Master
Research on the protection of network copyright due to foreign infringement from the view of international private law
Shi, Jin 涂廣建 2016. Master

Showing 11 to 20 of 716 results