
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
我國對外貿易中的技術性貿易措施 : 以中醫藥出口遭遇的技術性貿易措施為例 = The technical measures to trade in international trade : especially on the export of traditional Chinese medicine
熊暢 魏丹 2012. Master
"金粉世家" 稱謂語研究 = A research on terms of address in Jinfen Shijia check Full Text
王媛媛 邵朝陽 2012. Master
"商務新詞典" 常用字語注音差異比較研究 / Studies on Cantonese phonetics of commonly used words in "Shangwu New Dictionary" /Fong Pou Leng. check Full Text
方葆玲 邵朝陽 2012. Master
話語標記 "X是" 的連貫建構功能研究 : 以 "就是"、"但是" 為例 = A study on the coherent functions of discourse markers X-Shi : a case study of Jiushi and Danshi check Full Text
潘雨辰 徐杰 2012. Master
廣東閩方言今讀 [h] 的層次分析 = On strata of the [h]-initial in Yue and Min dialects in Guangdong
鄭海檳 侍建國 2012. Master
海宴話語音研究 = A phonological study on Haiyan dialect
李雁秀 侍建國 2012. Master
基於語料庫的漢語 "給" 和英語 "give" 之對比研究 = A corpus-based contrastive study on Chinese "gei" and English "give" check Full Text
雷曦 徐杰 2012. Master
International legal assistance for confiscation of proceeds of crime under United Nations Convention against Corruption check Full Text
Chen, Lin Jun Godinho, Jorge A. F. 2012. Master
The legal regulation of underage gaming
Zheng, Shan Shan Godinho, Jorge A. F. 2012. Master
"楚辭·九歌" 與中原文化關係蠡測 = A primary enquiry to the relationship between the Nine Songs of Chuci and the Central region's culture
侯永振 屈原 2012. Master

Showing 11 to 20 of 355 results