
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
抽象行政行為司法審查理論研究 : 完善我國抽象行政行為司法審查制度 = Theoretical research on the judicial review of abstract administrative act : improve the judicial review system of abstract administrative act in China
Liu, Dan 蔣朝陽 2010. Master
馮影華 范進偉 2010. Master
高中英語教科書內容之比較研究 : 以上海、臺灣和澳門為例 check Full Text
虞軼亞 田野 2010. Master
肖芳 田野 2010. Master
Research on issues of the implementation of international treaties in China
Du, Ya Xiong 劉高龍 2010. Master
Protection of minority rights : issues and challenges in international law and Chinese law
Xie, Yang Wei Ramaswamy Muruga Perumal 2010. Master
粤語流行曲歌詞語言特點研究 = Study on the linguistic characteristics of Canton Pop lyrics
宋琨 鄧景濱 2010. Master
賴燕廣 何敬恩 2010. Master
Preconditioning techniques for a family of Toeplitz-like systems with financial applications
Zhang, Ying Ying, Jin, Xiao Qing 2010. Doctoral
中國農村鄉鎮衛生院改革政策分析 : 基於山東省Z市F區的個案調查
高纖銣 劉伯龍 2010. Master

Showing 1 to 10 of 272 results