UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
抽象行政行為司法審查理論研究 : 完善我國抽象行政行為司法審查制度 = Theoretical research on the judicial review of abstract administrative act : improve the judicial review system of abstract administrative act in China
- English Abstract
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Abstract The enlarging executive power plays an important role in the modern society :it brings about a great advance in the development of society and safeguards the order of the society .But as a power ,It has the feature of infringement on citizen 's rights and freedom on many occasions. The illegal abstract administrative act can actually damage the interest of the people and society, and therefore there is an urgent need to monitor the abstract administrative act. The illegal abstract administrative act can actually damage the interest of the people and society, and therefore there is an urgent need to monitor the abstract administrative act. From the current legal system, we can see only relies on the supervision of the authority., administration and the social monitor power is far from enough. According to current legislation, we can say the judicial review about abstract administration act has de facto been established. However, the existing review is too indirect, limit, selective so that cannot achieve the requirement of the democratic construction and rule of law process. To improve the situation, there is a need to reform the judicial review system. According to current legislation, we can say the judicial review about abstract administration act has de facto been established. However, the existing review is too indirect, limit, selective so that cannot achieve the requirement of the democratic construction and rule of law process. To improve the situation, there is a need to reform the judicial review system. Combining the practical experience of western countries with the actual need and characteristics of Chinese Society, the thesis proposes a set of specific methods to improve the current judicial review system. Eg: expand the scope of the administrative litigation, guarantee the independence of judicature and improve the standard of judicial review for abstract administrative act, practical needs of China's social development and characteristics of conditions put forward in line with our specific practice of judicial review. KEY WORDS: Abstract administrative act, Judicial Review, China, Administrative litigation
- Chinese Abstract
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摘要 现代社会中行政权的扩大一方面为发展和维持现代社会起到了积极的作用,但是另一方面,行政权的扩张也带来了--些负面的影响, 尤其是行政机关制定的违法抽象行政行为更为社会和公民的利益造成了损害,因此对抽象行政行为的监督成为了当前迫切的任务和难题。从我国现有体制的角度出发单凭权力机关监督、行政机关的内部监督以及社会监督是远远不够的。笔者认为将抽象行政行为纳入司法审查的范围,依靠司法审查对行政权的监督才是最有效、最权威的手段。根据现行法律的规定在司法实践中的应用,笔者认为我国已经确立了对抽象行政行为的司法审查制度,然而从目前司法审查现状来看,还只处在间接、有限的、选择性的司法审查,并不适应我国民主与法治建设的需要,因此我国有必要完善现有的司法审查制度。笔者结合西方主要国家对于抽象行政行为司法审查的实践经验并结合我国社会发展的实际需要和特点提出了符合我国国情的司法审查具体做法。保障司法独立性、完善抽象行政行为司法审查标准等方而予以健全和发展。 关键词:抽象行政行为,司法审查,中国,行政诉讼
- Issue date
- Author
Liu, Dan
- Faculty
Faculty of Law
- Degree
- Subject
Judicial review of administrative acts
Judicial review of administrative acts -- China
行政法之司法覆核 -- 中國
Administrative agencies
政府行政機關 (含: 委員會, 部門, 等) 及其法規
Administrative agencies -- China
政府行政機關 (含: 委員會, 部門, 等) 及其法規 -- 中國
- Supervisor
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- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991005430989706306