
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_down Issue Date Degree
暗網絡犯罪的刑法問題研究 = Research on criminal law of dark network crime check Full Text
孫陸陽 趙國強 2018. Master
澳門現行酒駕及毒駕罪的探析及完善 = Analysis and suggestions of legislative improvement on the crime of drunk-driving and drug-driving in Macao check Full Text
陳愷頴 趙國強 2018. Master
內地與澳門刑法罰金刑的比較研究 = The comparative study on criminal fines of the mainland and Macao check Full Text
林憲培 趙國強 2018. Master
侵犯兒童性權利罪研究 = Research on crimes aginst children's sexual check Full Text
韓舒寧 趙國強 2018. Master
刑事訴訟文化論 : 中國內地與港澳台刑事訴訟文化比較 check Full Text
楊釗 趙國強 2018. Doctoral
從史傳、筆記到傳奇 : 古典小說之醞釀生發 = Historical biography, literary sketch and legendary novel : the gestation and germination of Chinese classical novel check Full Text
劉飛桐 譚美玲 2018. Master
唐傳奇夢境的程式和敘事結構 = The forms and narrative structure in the dream of Chuanqi in Tang Dynasty check Full Text
蘭倩 譚美玲 2018. Master
已婚幼稚園女教師親職壓力與因應策略之研究 check Full Text
陳會瀅 謝金枝 2018. Master
An action research on Grade Five music students' perception of self-assessment check Full Text
Lam, Kit Lek 謝金枝 2018. Master
湖北黃岡 (黃州)方言連讀變調及詞庫構成= Lexical tone Sandhi and the lexical organization of Huanggang dialect check Full Text
鍾思琪 許德寶 2018. Master

Showing 61 to 70 of 795 results