
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_up Issue Date Degree
糖尿病病人住院費用及成本效果分析 : 來自某三甲中醫院的資料分析
何夢澤 卞鷹 2009. Master
鄭嘉洲 向天屏 2009. Master
Challenging the mainstream : youth identity and the popularity of Shanzhai mobile phones in China
Li, Hong Ye 吳玫 2009. Master
民法自然人人格的歷史變遷及其對我國未來民法典的啟示 = The historical changes of natural human personality in the civil law and it's implications for China's Civil Code in the future
劉方輝 唐曉晴 2009. Master
論公序良俗原則與性工作合法化 = Principle of public order and good social customs and legalization of prostitution
金子 唐曉晴 2009. Master
試論醫方的告知說明義務 = Talk about the obligations to inform the patients
溫靜 唐曉晴 2009. Master
收養制度的現代立法理念及我國及收養成立的實質要件 = The concept of the modern legislation concerning the adoption system and the substance elements in China's adoption rules
李川川 唐曉晴 2009. Master
論現代建築物區分所有權的結構及相關問題 = On the structure of the modern building's differentiation droit and related problems
熊壯 唐曉晴 2009. Master
隱私權在澳門的保障 : 以個人資料保護法為中心
梁芷娟 唐曉晴 2009. Master
蔡巧奇 單文經 2009. Master

Showing 141 to 150 of 231 results