
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author arrow_drop_up Supervisor Issue Date Degree
陸榮輝 黃榮金 2005. Master
對澳門警察行使職權的問題探究 : 以行使查證權為主要研究對象 check Full Text
陸穎琳 邱庭彪 2020. Master
論澳門明清詩詞中的西洋女性形象 = The image of foreign women in Ming and Qing dynasties Macau poem check Full Text
陸美賢 鄧駿捷 2022. Master
"天問" 和 "山海經" 神帝比論 = Comparison of gods in Tian Wen and Shan Hai Jing check Full Text
陸雯 鄧國光 2017. Master
透過分析 PISA2009 閱讀素養調查數據探討學生對學校態度與閱讀素養表現的關係 : 以上海, 香港, 澳門和台灣為例 check Full Text
陸麗娟 周憶粟 2019. Master
反叛英雌 : 論廬隱的反叛精神 = Rebellious hero : on Lu Yin's rebellious spirit check Full Text
陸麗媚 朱壽桐 2015. Master
論情誼行為與無償合同的區分 = Discussion on the distinction between the behavior of friendship and the gratuitous contract check Full Text
陽帆 稅兵 2016. Master
論全球化市場下互聯網行業反壟斷法發展 : 以歐盟訴谷歌案為視角 = The research on development of antitrust law in the internet area under the global market : from the perspective of the EU v. Google case check Full Text
隋經緯 魏丹 2019. Master
基於語料庫的漢語 "給" 和英語 "give" 之對比研究 = A corpus-based contrastive study on Chinese "gei" and English "give" check Full Text
雷曦 徐杰 2012. Master
澳門婦女養老問題研究及政策建議 = Research and policy suggestions on elderly services for women in Macau check Full Text
雷梓峰 Lei, Chun Kwok 2021. Master

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