
Books on China Online, 16th – Early 20th Century (早期中國研究選輯, 十六至二十世紀初)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Year
Confucii Chi-King : sive liber Carminum : ex latina P. Lacharme interpretatione
Lacharme, Alexandre de,autore 1830
Confucius and the Chinese classics, or readings in Chinese literature
Confucius the great teacher a study
Alexander, George Gardiner, 1890
Congregações Marianas na China e em Macau : lembrança do anno jubilar da Immaculada Conceição : 1854, 8 de Dezembro, 1904
Alves, A. M.,autor 1904
Congressional policy of Chinese immigration, or, legislation relating to Chinese
Li, Tien-Lu,author 1916
Considérations générales sur l'ensemble de la civilisation chinoise et sur les relations de l'occident avec la Chine
Laffitte, Pierre,auteur 1900
Considerações sobre a peste bubónica
Moniz, Gonçalo,autor 1899
Considerations on the danger and impolicy of laying open the trade with India and China : including an examination of the objections commonly urged against the East India Company's commercial and financial management.
Cossim,author 1812
Considerations respecting the trade with China
Thompson, Joseph,author 1835
Considerazioni sú la scrittura intitilata Riflessioni sopra la causa della Cina doppo venuto in Europa il Decreto dell'Emo di Tournon.
Tabaglio, Giuseppe Maria,autore 1709

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