
Books on China Online, 16th – Early 20th Century (早期中國研究選輯, 十六至二十世紀初)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Year
Éléments de grammaire mongole (dialecte ordoss)
Soulié de Morant, Georges,auteur 1803
A chronological history of the voyages and discoveries in the South Sea or Pacific Ocean.
Burney, James,author 1803
A short practical narrative of the diseases which prevailed among the American seamen, at Wampoa in China, in the year 1803 : with some account of diseases which appeared among the crew of the ship New-Jersey, on the passage from thence, to Philadelphia : submitted as an inagural dissertation, to the examination of the Rev. J. Andrews, D.D. provost, (pro tempore) the trustees and medical professors, of the University of Pennsylvania, on the tenth day of April, 1807 : for the degree of Doctor of Medicine
Baldwin, William,author 1807
Alphabet Mantchou : rédigé d'aprés le syllabaire et le dictionnaire universel de cette langue
Langlès, L.auteur 1807
An account of an Embassy to the Court of the Teshoo Lama, in Tibet : Containing a Narrative of a Journey through Bootan, and Part of Tibet
Turner, Samuel,author 1800
An account of an evangelical Chinese manuscript in the British Museum : together with a specimen of it, and some hints on the proper mode of publishibg it in London
Montucci, Antonio,author 1801
An enquiry into the Antient Greek game : supposed to have been invented by Palamedes, antecedent to the Siege of Troy : with reasons for believing the same to have been known from remote antiquity in China, and progressively improved into the Chinese, Indian, Persian, and European chess : also two dissertations : I. On the Athenian Skirophoria ; II. On the mystical meaning of the bough and umbrella, in the Skiran rites.
Christie, James,author 1801
An explanation of the elementary characters of the Chinese with an analysis of their ancient symbols and hieroglyphics
Hager, Giuseppe, 1801
Chinese surgery.
Choix de lettres édifiantes : écrites des missions étrangères, avec des additions, des notes critiques, et des observations pour la plus grande intelligence de ces lettres : précédé de tableaux géographique de la Chine, de sa politique, des sectes religieuses, de la littérature, et de l'état actuel du Christianisme cez le peuple.
Montmignon, Jean Baptiste,auteur 1808

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