
Books on China Online, 16th – Early 20th Century (早期中國研究選輯, 十六至二十世紀初)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Year
Commercial associations ordinance of the Chinese Republic
Commercial reports from Her Majestyś consuls in China and Japan.
Compendio istorico dell'espulsione dei Gesuiti dai regni di Portogallo, et da tutti i suoi dominij : diviso in tre parti, nelle quali si racconta tutto ciò d'interessante e sostanziale che precedette, accompagnò, e seguì questo fatto si memorabile : diviso in tri parti, nelle quali si racconta tutto cio d'interessante ...
Romão de Oliveira, Francisco,autore 1791
Comprehensive geography of the Chinese empire and dependencies
Richard, Louis,author 1908
Confessions of an English opium-eater, and kindred papers
De Quincey, Thomas,author 1876
Confucian cosmogony a translation of section forty-nine of the "complete works" of the philosopher Choo-Foo-Tze, with explanatory notes
Chu, Hsi, 1874
Faber, Ernst 1895
Confucianism and its rivals : lectures delivered in the University Hall of Dr. Williams's Library, London : October-December 1914
Giles, Herbert Allen,author 1915
Confucianism and Taouism
Douglas, Robert 1879
Confucianism in relation to Christianity a paper read before the missionary conference in Shanghai, on May 11th, 1877
Legge, James, 1877

Showing 631 to 640 of 2472 results