
Books on China Online, 16th – Early 20th Century (早期中國研究選輯, 十六至二十世紀初)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Year
Missa celebrada e solene Te-Deum no dia da Coroação do novo Sumo Pontífice, o Papa João Paulo I : na Sé Catedral de Macau, às 17:30 horas do dia 3 de Setembro de 1978 = 澳門教區 : 慶祝教宗若望保祿一世加冕感恩 共祭典禮 : 一九七八年九月三日下午五時半澳 門主教座堂.
Mission de la Cochinchine et du Tonkin : avec gravure et carte géographique.
Montezon, Fortune de,auteur 1858
Mission problems and mission methods in South China lectures on evangelistic theology
Gibson, John Campbell 1901
Missionaries in China
Michie, Alexander, 1891
Missionary journals and letters written during eleven years of residence and travels amongst the Chinese, Siamese, Javanese, Khassias, and other Eastern nations
Tomlin, J. 1844
Missions : their rise and development
Creighton, Louise,author 1912
Missions to the women of China (in connexion with the Society for promoting female education in the East)
Silvani, Anita F.,author 1866
Modern China : thirty-one short essays on subjects which illustrate the present condition of the country
Edkins, Joseph,author 1891
Moment in Peking : a novel of contemporary Chinese life
Lin, Yutang,author 1931
Mongolia, the Tangut country, and the solitudes of northern Tibet being a narrative of three years' travel in eastern high Asia
Przheval’skii, Nikolai Mikhailovich, 1876

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