
Books on China Online, 16th – Early 20th Century (早期中國研究選輯, 十六至二十世紀初)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Year
Memoirs of the Rev. William Milne, D.D. : late missionary to China and principal of the Anglo-Chinese College : compiled from documents written by the deceased : to which are added occasional remarks
Milne, William,author 1824
Memorandum on wild silkworm culture in South-eastern Manchuria
Memorandum relative to the improvement of the Hwang-ho or Yellow River in North-China
Fijnje van Salverda, J. G. W. 1891
Memoria sobre a expedição do governo de Macao em 1809 e 1810 em socorro ao Império da China contra os piratas chinezes : principiada, e concluida em seis mezes pelo Governador, Capitão Geral daquela cidade, Lucas José d'Alvarenga : autenticada com documentos justificativos
Alvarenga, Lucas José de,autor 1828
Memorials of James Henderson, M.D., medical missionary to China.
Henderson, James,author 1867
Memorials of Protestant missionaries to the Chinese : giving a list of their publications and obituary notices of the deceased.
Wylie, 1867
Memorials of Rev. Carstairs Douglas missionary of the Presbyterian Church of England at Amoy, China.
Douglas, John Monteath 1877
Memorias sobre as possessões portuguezas na Asia : escriptas no anno de 1823 por Gonçalo de Magalhães Teixeira Pinto, desembargador da Relação de Goa, e agora publicadas com breves notas e additamentos de Joaquim Heliodoro da Cunha Rivara.
Pinto, Gonçalo de Magalhães Teixeira,author 1859
Memories of Tientsin
Old hand, An,author 1914
Men and manners of modern China
MacGowan, John,author 1912

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