
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title arrow_drop_down Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
"在NP+V" 與 "V+在NP" 變換條件背後的多變量競爭機制 = Multivariable competition mechanism underlie “Zai NP+V" and "V+ Zai NP" transformation conditions check Full Text
岳圓 陳忠 2022. Master
"有" 字和 "在" 字存在句語序調適的多變量競爭研究 = Word order accommodation of existential You-sentence and Zai-sentence under multivariable competition check Full Text
施琨 陳忠 2022. Master
"一國兩制"框架下粵澳深度合作區法律機制研究 = Research on the legal mechanism of Guangdong Macao in-depth cooperation zone under the framework of "One Country, Two Systems" check Full Text
李波 汪超 2022. Doctoral
"三月三"節俗的新媒體傳播對壯族學生文化傳承的影響研究 : 以廣西某民族高校學生為例 check Full Text
梁文珊 張澤珣 2022. Master
"經典" 與 "未讀" : 弗朗格. 莫萊蒂 "距離閱讀" 理論再考察 = "Canon" and "Unread" : a review of Frange Moretti's "distance reading" theory check Full Text
高宸 龔剛 2022. Master
"5E"教學模式應用於初一地理教學之成效 : 以人教版七上的「地形圖的判讀」及「人口」單元為例 check Full Text
趙彩欣 施達明 2022. Master

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