
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title arrow_drop_down Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
The applicability of general strain theory on explaining drug use among young adults in the People's Republic of China check Full Text
Qian, Xing Ning Liu Jianhong 2013. Master
The amelioration of online dispute resolution for business-to-consumer electronic commerce : from a consumer protection perspective
Tian, Ze Hua 魏丹 2013. Master
Terminologia do desfile de Carnaval do Rio de Janeiro : um glossario em Chines
Lai, Jiing Liang Gohn, Carlos 2013. Master
Temporal relationships and dynamic interactions between spot and futures stock market in China check Full Text
Lei, Ka In Ren, Jin Juan 2013. Master
Study on angiogenesis activity and mechanism of action of novel tanshinone derivatives produced by one-pot modification of tanshinone mixture from Salvia miltiorrhiza check Full Text
Zhang, Zhe Rui Lee, Ming-Yuen 2013. Master
Study of three-level hybrid active power filter with quasi-resonant DC-link technique in three-phase four-wire system check Full Text
Zhang, Bin, Wong, Man Chung 2013. Master
Study of the role of logistics industry in facilitating the diversification of Macao's economic development check Full Text
Mou, Kuong Hoi Lian, Zhao Tong 2013. Master
Studing value at risk with high-frequency financial data
Dong, Hui Liu, Zhi 2013. Master
Structures and delivery mechanism of type VI secretion system effectors check Full Text
Wu, Hao Weng Chao, Chong Hang 2013. Doctoral
Stress intensity factors of circumferential semi-elliptical surface cracks of functionally graded material plate subjected to axial tensile loading check Full Text
Cui, Yan Kou, Kun Pang 2013. Master

Showing 41 to 50 of 387 results