
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title arrow_drop_down Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
Visualization of meteorological data
Tam, Chi Man Wu, Enhua 2008. Master
Trust in leadership, justice, and employee performance : evidence from AIA Macau
Leong, Weng Ka Lam, Long Wai 2008. Master
Translation in light of relevance theory : a case analysis of two English translations of "阿Q正傳" (The Story of Ah Q)
Lo, Tong Un Venkatesan, Hari 2008. Master
Tourism English in Macao, a case study
Iun, Ka Man Kuong, Io Kei 2008. Master
Three-dimensional analysis of functionally graded material plates, free vibration in thermal environment and thermal buckling
Li, Qian Iu, Vai Pan 2008. Doctoral
The relationship between FDI, wage, human capital and GDP : a study on China market
Lao, Iok Son Li, Guo Qiang 2008. Master
The regulation of international irregular migration : a study of irregular migration from China to USA and the role of international norms
郭晶 Ramaswamy Muruga Perumal 2008. Master
The magic wand : mobile phone use and Fujian entrepreneurs in China
Lin, Hai Yun 吳玫 2008. Master
The legal-economic relationship between Bretton Woods institutions and World Trade Organization in the modern era of globalization : the challenges and impacts for the developing countries
Guilherme Júnior, Manuel. 魏丹 2008. Master
The international standard of practice of safe handling of hazardous drugs and its implications in Macau
Ung, Sam In 卞鷹 2008. Master

Showing 1 to 10 of 237 results