
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_up
MXene-based materials for energy conversion / storage and device applications : a first-principles study check Full Text
Shao, Yang Fan Pan Hui 2020. Doctoral
Unknown Far East : an intellectual history of Charles Ralph Boxer check Full Text
Pan, Zheng Zheng Saldanha Antonio Vasconcelos de 2020. Doctoral
檀香木之路 : 明清時期澳門與帝汶的檀香木貿易及其影響 (1557-1844) check Full Text
郭姝伶 湯開建 2020. Doctoral
宋代小說與道教關係研究 check Full Text
慎澤明 楊義 2020. Doctoral
廣州方言普通話變異音系研究 check Full Text
趙梓汛 侍建國 2020. Doctoral
Transport layer optimization for high-efficiency and stable planner n-i-p perovskite solar cells check Full Text
Tu, Bao Li, Hai Feng 2020. Doctoral
The role of bulky alkylammonium cations in efficient and stable perovskite solar cells check Full Text
Liang, Chao Xing, Gui Chuan 2020. Doctoral
Fungal spore transcription activity before dormancy drives phenotypic variation check Full Text
Wang, Fang Wong, Koon Ho 2021. Doctoral
Entrepreneurial Finance and university technology transfer check Full Text
Li, Dong Fu Fu, Xiao Qing 2021. Doctoral
On banking crisis, liquidity management and bank risks check Full Text
Li, Zong Yuan Lai, Neng 2021. Doctoral

Showing 9911 to 9920 of 10000 results