
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_up
旅遊業對澳門舊區影響研究 : 以關前街區為例 = A study on the impact of urban tourism on old districts : a case of “Rua dos Ervanarios” in Macao
何杰昌, 邢榮發 2024. Master
舊街新路 : 回歸後澳門關前街區域旅遊仕紳化現象研究 = A new way of developing an old street : A study on the phenomenon of tourist gentrification in the area of Rua dos Ervanários after the return of Macao to China
陳仰珩, 譚達賢 2024. Master
基於“橫向流動意願”分析琴澳的發展路徑 : 以澳門青年為例 = Analysis of the development path of HengQin and Macau based on "Willingness to Move Horizontally" : a case study of Macau youths
李汶賢, 陳建新 2024. Master
基於SICAS模型的社交媒體時代旅遊目的地營銷策略研究 : 以澳門特區旅遊局在小紅書平臺的實踐為例 = Marketing strategies for tourism destination in the social media era based on the SICAS model : A case study of Macao Government Tourist Office on Xiaohongshu platform
彭瀅, 林玉鳳 2024. Master
The relations between Chinese family leisure involvement, family communication, family cohesion, and filial piety : a moderated mediation model
Lei, Hio Wai 陳薇文 2024. Master
Association between bullying victimization, resilience, and well-being among Macanese adolescents : the role of bullying perpetration experience
Chan, Kit Hao 陳薇文 2024. Master
Chinese parents' implicit theories of intelligence and parenting styles : the moderator of marital quality
Zhou, Chong Chong 陳薇文 2024. Master
趙曉卿 謝金枝 2024. Master
蔡偉琪 鄭振偉 2024. Master
A study on identity status of pre-service science teachers enrolled in an integrated science program
Huang, Pei Xuan 魏冰 2024. Master

Showing 1 to 10 of 274 results