
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_up
A loucura e a razão : um estudo sobre O Alienista de Machado de Assis check Full Text
Qiu, Chen Enedino, Raimundo dos Santos 2022. Master
17世紀漳州方言文獻中的多功能詞"共" "合" "同"及其演變 = Multifunctional words Gong, He, Tong in 17th century Zhangzhou dialectal records and their diachronic changes check Full Text
洪秋蘋 徐宇航 2022. Master
澳門民法典的瑕疵意思錯誤與聯合國國際法委員會規則之關係 check Full Text
Ling Lee, Celina 唐曉晴 2022. Master
澳門未成年人刑事紀錄保密之研究 = Research on the confidentiality of juvenile criminal records of Macau check Full Text
楊嘉霽 李哲 2022. Master
Dynamic curriculum learning for dialogue system check Full Text
Chen, Guan Hua Wong, Fai 2022. Master
小學班主任班級經營與學生學校歸屬感的關係 check Full Text
張屹立 Kam, Chun Seng 2022. Master
人格特質與自尊的關係研究 : 對成人和中學生的啟示 check Full Text
林永賢 Kam, Chun Seng 2022. Master
澳門學校教師評鑑制度與教師工作滿意度之研究 check Full Text
林冰冰 吳梅君 2022. Master
Integrating translanguaging strategies to promote learning motivation in a primary English-medium instruction classroom : an action research study / Feather Joshua Robert John. check Full Text
Feather, Joshua Robert John Yuan, Rui 2022. Master
探究幼兒園領導者如何衝破「去小學化」的變革困境 : 以佛山市順德區三所幼兒園為例
黃穎愉 黃素君 2022. Master

Showing 41 to 50 of 666 results