
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_up
Experimental investigations on surface temperature field distribution characteristics of the small magnet stack structure check Full Text
Fan, Han Wen Su, Yan 2022. Master
Parametric study of collapse mechanism of unreinforced masonry (URM) structure and vulnerability assessment check Full Text
Wan, Hoi Lon Lam, Chi Chiu 2022. Master
Autoencoder and gate recurrent unit combined model for sales forecasting check Full Text
Tin, Hio Man Fong, Chi Chiu 2022. Master
探索家庭讀寫環境與親子互動之間的關係研究 check Full Text
梁盛梅 梁成安 2022. Master
Dimension reduction in random feature based k-means clustering check Full Text
Sio, Ion Wa Chen, Long 2022. Master
New end-to-end network for stereo high dynamic range imaging check Full Text
Zhong, Li Fei Zhou, Jian Tao 2022. Master
Influência na prosódia do chinês na prosódia do português europeu como língua estrangeira : línguas tonais e não tonais
Zhang, Ke Ming Nunes, Ana Margarida Belém 2022. Master
Retrato do empoderamento feminino nos séculos XIX e XX através da literatura brasileira
Wang, Lu Fei Santos, Raimundo Enedino dos 2022. Master
Novato ou experiente : especificando a categoria “Examinando”na fase de preparação de experimentos neurocientíficos cognitivos
Wen, Zhi Xian Moutinho Rodrigues da Silva, Ricardo 2022. Master
O vocabulário Ningpo de Morrison
Zhong, Yu Zheng Araujo, Gabriel Antunes de 2022. Master

Showing 101 to 110 of 666 results