
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_up
Buckling behavior of single coped slender web steel beam strengthen with composite materials check Full Text
Guo, Xuan Jun Lam, Chi Chiu 2021. Master
論占有保護 : 兼評 "中國民法典" 第 462 條 = On the protection of possession : comments on Art. 462 of the Civil Code of China check Full Text
勾健穎 唐曉晴 2021. Master
大數據應用下個人資料的法律保護 : 從歐盟 "一般資料保護規則" 延伸至澳門 "個人資料保護法" 研究 = Personal data protection in big data applications : from General Data Protection Regulation (EU) to Macau Personal Data Protection Act check Full Text
林嘉雯 蘇建峰 2021. Master
A translation project: selected text of The Recollections of Childhood in Macao page 98 to page 110 check Full Text
Wong, Hio Ieng Venkatesan, Hari 2021. Master
Explore the relationship between pornography use and juvenile sexual aggression : a review of literature check Full Text
Xiong, Zi Yi Zhao, Ruo Hui 2021. Master
Nativização de sons e sílabas do português brasileiro por falantes de mandarim padrão check Full Text
Zhang, Wen Yi Araujo, Gabriel Antunes de 2021. Master
Efeitos do feedback correctivo escrito na aquisição de preposições por aprendentes chineses de português língua estrangeira check Full Text
Wang, Yi Jun Santos, Sara Goncalves 2021. Master
幼兒園男性教師生存現狀的研究 : 基於以山西省太原市 check Full Text
姚曉鋼 魏冰 2021. Master
Style reproduction in the translation of children's Gothic fiction : a case study on the E-C translation of A Series of Unfortunate Events check Full Text
Yang, Xin Yu 尤呈呈 2021. Master
Macau's destination image based on mainland Chinese tourists' travel blogs check Full Text
Liu, Jin McCartney, Glenn 2021. Master

Showing 1 to 10 of 711 results