
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_up
運用個人與社會責任 (TPSR) 模式於澳門曲棍球校隊訓練的行動研究 check Full Text
林嘉希 李思敏 2016. Master
戶外冒險教育課程對參與者領導力與復原力之影響 check Full Text
黃雅涵 林建榮 2016. Master
急性高強度間歇運動對青年男子運動員心率變異的影響 check Full Text
梁嘉雯 孔兆偉 2016. Master
Influences of acute hypoxic exposure and hypoxic high-intensity interval exercise on blood pressure and cognitive function in male college students
Gao, Han Lin 孔兆偉 2016. Master
合同解除後損害賠償問題研究 : 以可得利益損失賠償為中心 = Analysis damages for termination of the contract : focus on damages for expectant interests check Full Text
郝竹然 稅兵 2016. Master
宅基地使用權流轉制度的法律分析 = The analysis of circulation of right to use house sites check Full Text
陳少梅 稅兵 2016. Master
論時尚設計的知識產權保護 = Intellectual property protection for fashion design check Full Text
劉亦菲 稅兵 2016. Master
論公共治理下的澳門政府諮詢組織 = The government consulting organization of Macao in the condition of public governance check Full Text
李尚琪 蔣朝陽 2016. Master
我國負面清單管理模式的國際經驗借鑒研究 = The study of optimizing administrative mode about negative list of China by taking international experience for reference check Full Text
張穎 范劍虹 2016. Master
Equity-based crowd-funding in China : the existing legal issues and legislative proposals under current internet financial situation check Full Text
Zhang, Xia Wei 涂廣建 2016. Master

Showing 81 to 90 of 716 results