
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_up
Corporate governance and corporate scandals of A-share and H-share companies check Full Text
Wong, In Chong 2014. Master
Bank competition and market structure in Macau check Full Text
Ng, Chi Meng Fu, Xiao Qing 2014. Master
歐陽修散文風格研究 : 茅坤 "唐宋八大家文鈔" 本色義案說 = A Study of Ouyang Xiu's prose style : case study in the theory of true quality in the selected works by the eight great writers of the Tang and Song Dynasties by Mao Kun check Full Text
謝嘉茵 鄧國光 2014. Master
臺靜農小說中的人文精神 = The humanism from the novels of Tai Ching-Nung check Full Text
李亨鴻 譚美玲 2014. Master
張掖回民街穆斯林言語社區研究 = A study on the Muslim speech community of Zhangye
楊帆 徐大明 2014. Master
《解放日報》副刊與延安文藝整風 = The supplement of Liberation Daily and rectification in Yan-an
霍然 朱壽桐 2014. Master
魯迅與倫理的現代性 = Lu Xun and the modernity of ethics
劉勇 龔剛 2014. Master
北京話、 廣州話、 潮汕話的疑問句對比研究 = The differences and similarities in the interrogative sentence among Beijing language, Cantonese and Chiuchow
鄭琳 徐杰 2014. Master
民國詞人盛配白話詞研究 = Research on the vernacular Ci poetry by Sheng Pei as a poet of the Republic of China check Full Text
黃惠玲 施議對 2014. Master
性愛書寫的隱喻 : "黃金時代" 與 "生活在別處" 的比較研究 = Metaphor of writing of bodily love : comparative analysis on "The Golden Age" and "Life is Elsewhere"
黃靜欣 龔剛 2014. Master

Showing 111 to 120 of 507 results