
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_up
張曦雯 陳建新 2010. Master
國有企業人力資源行政改革中員工培訓之有效性研究 : "南方電網景洪供電公司"案例分析
魏文君 蕭楊輝 2010. Master
An exploratory study on ISO 9001 certification in the Macau SAR Government : a case study of University of Macau
Mok, In Fan 陳建新 2010. Master
Ownership concentration and earnings attributes : a comparison between West Europe & East Asia
Lu, Chan Zhang, Xu 2010. Master
Study of soft-switching techniques on three-level three-phase four-wire active power filters check Full Text
Lok, Io Keong Wong, Man Chung 2010. Master
Preconditioning techniques for a family of Toeplitz-like systems with financial applications
Zhang, Ying Ying, Jin, Xiao Qing 2010. Doctoral
Estudo da expressão morfo-sintáctica das categorias de tempo, modo e aspecto em maquista
Pinharanda Nunes, Mário Baxter, Alan Norman 2010. Doctoral
Adaptive decomposition of signals into mono-components
Wang, Yan Bo Qian, Tao 2010. Doctoral
A concordancia plural variavel no sintagma nominal do Portugues reestruturado da comunidade de Almoxarife, Sao Tome (desenvolvimento das regras de concordancia variaveis no processo de transmissao-aquisicao geracional)
Figueiredo, Carlos Filipe Guimaraes Baxter, Alan Norman 2010. Doctoral
Enhancement of efficiency and robustness of Kalman filter based statistical air quality models by using Bayesian approach
Hoi, Ka In Mok Kai Meng 2010. Doctoral

Showing 261 to 270 of 272 results