
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_down Degree
Design of illumination patterns and detectors in single-pixel imaging and their applications
Xiong, Jia Hao Liu, Hongchao 2024. Doctoral
Kinetics and thermodynamics of light atoms : first-principles study with enhanced sampling and machine learning
Guan, Qi Ye Cai, Yongqing 2024. Doctoral
Regulating electrochemical reactions in lithium-sulfur batteries via modulating electronic structure of catalyst
Guo, Yan Shao, Huaiyu 2024. Doctoral
Differential distribution of SOD1 variants in submitochondrial compartments: a potential pathological mechanism in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis check Full Text
Huang, Miao Dan Su, Huan Xing 2024. Doctoral
Tradução de termos polissémicos do português para o chinês em sentenças judiciais : um estudo de caso de utilização de corpus paralelo na tradução assistida por computador = Translation of polysemous terms from Portuguese to Chinese in court sentences : a case study of the use of parallel corpus in computer-aided translation
Wang, Tian Long Leal, Ana Luísa Varani 2024. Doctoral
學科組長教學領導力個案研究 : 以一所國際化特色民辦學校為例
謝輔炬 周憶粟 2024. Doctoral
人工智能驅動的個性化學習 : 基於自我決定理論的成效評估
金鑫 范進偉 2024. Doctoral
錢振斐 周憶粟 2024. Doctoral
The development of teacher feedback literacy in situ : EFL writing teachers' endeavor to human-computer-AWE integral feedback innovation
Wu, Pei Sha Yu, Shu Lin 2024. Doctoral
Being happy : identifying the key factors of well-being among high and low achieved students
Wang, Yi 梁成安 2024. Doctoral

Showing 51 to 60 of 10000 results