
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
Aqueous-phase photolysis of light-absorbing compounds and implications for the photochemistry in atmospheric aerosols
Wang, Ya Lin Li, Yong Jie 2023. Doctoral
運用多元智能實施常識課堂的行動研究 : 以「處變不驚」單元為例 check Full Text
容家皓 張國祥 2023. Master
Corporate social responsibility reporting in controversial industries : a cross-country study of China, Australia and the US
Sio, Hou In Noronha, Carlos 2023. Doctoral
Fluorescent detection of pesticide residues and heavy metal ions in Chinese medicinal materials based on novel nickel nanoclusters
Cheng, Ze Hua Li, Peng 2023. Doctoral
Into the unknown : science fiction in late Qing and the modernization check Full Text
Peng, Ding Min Ehrlich, Joshua 2023. Master
Telecom and online fraud involving minors as victims in China : a literature review and preliminary analysis of judicial documents
Li, Yue Er Zhao, Ruo Hui 2023. Master
選擇海外藝術設計專業的一項質性研究 check Full Text
孫慶妍 周憶粟 2023. Master
Medialization and police-media power relations in China
Hong, Qing Yang 徐建華 2023. Master
Multi-access edge computing enabled marine communication networks: performance and utility optimization
Luo, Zhi Shen Wu, Yuan 2023. Master
雙減政策環境下中小學教師的工作現狀及離職意願 check Full Text
洪文杰 周憶粟 2023. Master

Showing 9531 to 9540 of 9994 results