
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
The development of Sino-EU import and export trade and the Brexit's impact on Sino-EU trade volume
Zhang, Yue Lei, Chun Kwok 2022. Master
優化澳門旅遊区公廁的作用研究 = Research on optimizing the functions of public toilets in the tourist areas of Macau
韋正愷 邢榮發 2022. Master
澳門中式廟宇的文化推廣價值研究 = A study on the marketing value as a cultural product of the Chinese temples in Macao
朱則思 邢榮發 2022. Master
澳門動漫產業的現狀與問題 = The status and problem of the Macau animation industry
朱嘉駿 吳玫 2022. Master
高美士《澳門傳説》研究 = A study of Lendas de Macau
傅栩 譚美玲 2022. Master
回歸以來澳門入境旅遊客源市場結構演化 : 基於SSM方法的分析 = Structural evolution of inbound tourist market In Macao since its return to China : analysis based on SSM method /
宋佳興 邢榮發 2022. Master
澳門的社團政治與統合主義 : 以澳門青年聯合會作個案分析 = Macao’s social group politics vs corporatism : a case study of Macao Youth Federation
李濟翔 余永逸 2022. Master
本地新聞報導東望洋燈塔景觀爭議的分析 : 一個公民新聞學的視角 = An analysis of the local news reports on the controversy over the Guia Lighthouse landscape : a civic journalism perspective
李珈瑾 李展鵬 2022. Master
National populist movement and Hungarian foreign policy towards China
Li, Xiao Qing Song Weiqing 2022. Master
澳門本地博彩從業人員身份認同建構分析 = An analysis of the identity construction of local gaming practitioners in Macau
劉如歌 林玉鳳 2022. Master

Showing 1 to 10 of 666 results