
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
Translating animal verbs from English to Chinese : a corpus-assisted study check Full Text
Choi, Chi Ha Wang, Xian 2018. Master
An exploration of frontline employees' emotional labor in Wynn Palace Macau check Full Text
Long, Zhi Qian Lam, Chee Shiong 2018. Master
New regional multifocus image fusion techniques for extending depth of field check Full Text
Duan, Jun Wei Chen, Long 2018. Doctoral
The distribution and function of β-glucuronidases in human gut microbiota and β-glucuronidase targeted drug discovery check Full Text
Wei, Bin 燕茹 2018. Doctoral
Investigation of the protecting roles of the deacetylase SIRT3 against nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and its natural activator,honokiol, against oxidative injury in hepatocytes check Full Text
Liu, Jing Xin Lin, Li Gen 2018. Doctoral
中國內地虛擬財產權利屬性及保護研究 = Research on the attribute and protection of virtual property in Mainland China check Full Text
劉國燚 范劍虹 2018. Master
國際商事仲裁中第三方資助的研究 = Research on third-party funding in international commercial arbitration check Full Text
楊舒淇 魏丹 2018. Master
私募股權投資中對賭協議的法律研究 = The research of valuation adjustment mechanism in privete equity check Full Text
鄧曉媛 范劍虹 2018. Master
澳門電信業法律制度研究 = Research on the legal system of the telecommunication industry in Macao check Full Text
劉雪瑩 范劍虹 2018. Master
論借名買房行為的性質 = The nature of buying house by using others' name check Full Text
李毛崽 杜立 2018. Master

Showing 41 to 50 of 795 results