
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
澳門政府對定期刊物之補助制度之重要性分析及評估 check Full Text
李瑋瑜 蕭楊輝 2018. Master
從協調隱私權與知情權的角度探討澳門政府信息公開制度的構建 = From the perspective of coordinating the right of privacy and the right to know to explore the construction of the government information disclosure system in Macao check Full Text
黃嘉慧 稅兵 2018. Master
Identification and functional characterization of novel regulators of androgen receptor transcriptional activity check Full Text
Lingadahalli, Shreyas Vaman Cheung, Chong Wing 2018. Doctoral
Language attitudes towards Guanzhong dialect, Putonghua and English between two different generations of Xi'an local residents check Full Text
Feng, Fang Fang, Zoe Moody, Andrew Jackson 2018. Master
Os erros ns construções passivas dos aprendentes de Português língua estrangeira falantes de língua materna Chinesa check Full Text
Jiang, Yun Zhi Grosso, Maria José 2018. Master
"西蜀方言" 的親屬稱謂語研究 = A Study on the Kinship terms in Western Mandarin check Full Text
方雅琴 王銘宇 2018. Master
The impact of peer association on juvenile delinquency among Chinese adolescents check Full Text
Ni, Huan Jie Li, De 2018. Master
澳門特別行政區公務人員聘任制度法律問題研究 = A study on the legal problems of the regime of recruitment of public servants in Macao Special Administrative Region check Full Text
譚慧華 何志遠 2018. Master
A reading of the multi-layered subalternity in City of Broken Promises check Full Text
Li, Jing Xiang, Lisa Wong Katrine K. 2018. Master
Gene environment interaction in formation of delinquent peer check Full Text
Gao, Yuan Cai, Tian Ji 2018. Master

Showing 31 to 40 of 795 results