
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
A critical appraisal of the law and practice relating to the examination and rejection of documents under letters of credit check Full Text
Zhao, Yun Wen 涂廣建 2012. Master
A critical review of current E-to-C machine translation of academic abstracts
Chen, Yuan Yuan Venkatesan, Hari 2012. Master
Perceived racism of Filipino workers in Macau : depression risk and the moderating effects of coping and ethnic identity check Full Text
Chen, Hong Lei 2012. Master
探索輔導碩士士在輔導訓練中的個人成長經驗 : 以澳門大學學校輔導碩士生為例
吳浩迪 林建榮 2012 Master
全語文融入幼稚園主題堂教學之行動研究 check Full Text
錢恩樂 周淑惠 2012. Master
透過分析 PISA2006 科學素養調查數據探究澳門基礎教育的教育公平問題 check Full Text
陳敬濂 張國祥 2012. Doctoral
EU's pursuit of sustainable development through soft governance : from the Lisbon Strategy to the Europe 2020 check Full Text
Chen, Yong Li Castro, Paulo Canelas de 2012. Master
Overview of corporate liability for environmental harm from domestic and international law perspectives check Full Text
Song, Yi Jie Ramaswamy Muruga Perumal 2012. Master
Challenges to the trademark protection in the era of globalization and cyberspace : the role of international law and developments in USA and China check Full Text
Huang, Xiao Ling Ramaswamy, Muruga Perumal 2012. Master
Policy networks and the development of European Union's research & development policy
Du, Bing Song Weiqing 2012. Master

Showing 341 to 350 of 355 results