
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
MFLL 000Juridical-Political Sciences (Chinese Language) (SAMPLE) 澳門政制發展中的立法會間接選舉制度 = Indirect election system of Legislative Council in the constitutional development of Macau
鄭嘉恩 駱偉建 2012. Master
PFLL(Criminal Juridical Sciences) 000 (SAMPLE) 國際刑事政策視角下的跨國販賣人口犯罪研究
郭晶 趙國強 2012. Doctoral
技術模仿所涉及的法律問題研究 = The study of legal issue for technological imitation
王晴 范劍虹 2012. Master
侵犯商業秘密的構成要件研究 = The constitutive requirements of trade secrets infringement check Full Text
蔣卓 范劍虹 2012. Master
論實行行為之認定 = On tatausfuhrung
陳和健 趙國強 2012. Master
澳門青少年犯罪探析 = Macao youth crime analysis
尹樂 趙國強 2012. Master
傾銷損害確定的法律問題研究 = Analysis of legal problems in determination of injury in antidumping law
吳凌雲 范劍虹 2012. Master
民法上 "物" 的探索 = Research on "Thing" in civil law
張靜 唐曉晴 2012. Master
論網絡環境中的著作權侵權與保護 = Copyright infringement and protection in network environment
劉琪 唐曉晴 2012. Master
從比較法角度論中國地區無人繼承財產制度之構建 = Analysis on the non-inheritance property system in Mainlang China : from the perspertive of comparative law
陳暐 唐曉晴 2012. Master

Showing 1 to 10 of 355 results