
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
雙邊投資協定中保護傘條款的解釋適用之探折 : 兼論ICSID相關仲裁案例 = Reviewing the interpretation and application of umbrella clause in Bilatreral Investment Treaties : on the ICSID-related arbitration cases
吳思靜 魏丹 2010. Master
Is there a right to development? Challenges and international measures to enforce this right with a specific reference to the role of the WTO
Zhang, Yi He Ramaswamy Muruga Perumal 2010. Master
中國內地有限責任公司股東的退股與除名研究 = A study on shareholder's withdrawal and expulsion of the Chinese limited liability company
劉俐 范劍虹 2010. Master
陳藝康 張立明 2010. Master
澳門初中生數學自我效能、數學學業成就與學業求助之相關研究 check Full Text
張思君 施達明 2010. Master
公司經理權 : 性質及授權規則
王華崇 范劍虹 2010. Master
The legal issues and challenges relating to the exploration and exploitation of the outer space and implications for China
Wang, Qian Ramaswamy Muruga Perumal 2010. Master
合資的反壟斷法規制 = 以歐盟反壟斷法為中心
Wang, Wei 范劍虹 2010. Master
中國內地與澳門特別行政區兩地罰金刑之比較研究 = Comparative study on the provision of criminal fine between China Mainland and Macao Special Administrative Region
李東 趙國強 2010. Master
The preliminary ruling : jurisdictional mechanism of cooperation between the Court of Justice of the European Union and national courts
Lu, Yun Castro, Paulo Canelas de 2010. Master

Showing 51 to 60 of 272 results