
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
The relationship between emotional satisfaction and loyalty : the case of Macao's female consumers'role orientations
Cheang, Cheng I Noronha Carlos 2004. Master
葉聞 林明基 2004. Master
黎燕冰 藍容 2004. Master
合成詞的內部構造和詞的語法屬性的相關性 = The correlation between the structures of compounds and the grammatical feature of the compounds in Chinese
陳麗萍 郭銳 2004. Master
論轉型時期我國社會中介組織的發展 : 以上海市楊浦區為例
顧登妹 洪濤 2004. Master
Lin, Li 胡金星 2004. Master
Variation in past tense marking in L2 English in Macao
Loi, Chi Ho Baxter, Alan Norman 2004. Master
An investigation into employees' insecurity in Macau : its causes and consequences
Chan, Mei Heong Kong, Siew Huat 2004. Master
Opportunities and risks of foreign investments in the Chinese residential market : the case in the Yangtze River Delta Circle
Zhao, Zheng Rong Lai, Neng 2004. Master
梁莉莉 蘇肖好 2004. Master

Showing 21 to 30 of 146 results