
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
The statistical foundations of ratio analysis : theory and Hong Kong evidence
Sam, Chon Trigueiros, Duarte 1998. Master
An investigation of the buckling strength of coped steel I-beams
Lam, Chi Chiu Yam Chi Ho 1998. Master
Analytical investigation and the design of the compressive strength of steel gusset plate connections
Sheng, Ni Yam, Chi Ho 1998. Master
A scalable web-based distributed network management architecture and the manager MIB design
Zhuang, Yan 1998. Master
Occupational stress of university teachers in China
Kuok, Oi Mei 1998. Master
Toward a drug free society : social marketing as a tool in drug prevention efforts in Macau
Cheang, Sin Wai 1998. Master
Career opportunities for business administration student : the case of Macau
Ieong, Ut Fong Antonio, Nelson Jose dos Santos 1998. Master
The implications of total quality management to the positioning and resource-based schools of strategic management
Martins, Paulo Manuel Guerreiro Gomes Antonio, Nelson Jose dos Santos 1998. Master
Assessing the external environment of the property development industry in Macau
Sio, Chi Veng 1998. Master
MBA in Macau and Hong Kong
Santos, Joao Francisco Serrao Correia Dos Antonio, Nelson Jose dos Santos 1998. Master

Showing 21 to 30 of 42 results