
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
Loan management under the present banking system being reformed in China
Zhang, Xin Qiang Antonio, Nelson Jose dos Santos 1997. Master
High technology and Macau industrial transformation
Chang, Mary Yabut Nasol, Ramon Lino 1997. Master
Work motivation theories under contrasting cultural influences : an exploratory study in Macau and Portugal
Correia, Pedro Antonio, Nelson Jose dos Santos 1997. Master
Personal financial planning : a way to make a better and more secure life
Ma, Lai No 1997. Master
The human resources management practices in Macau government : an exploratory study
Io, Choi Leng Weinrich, John E. 1997. Master
Employees' behavior in an organization : (hotel grandeur)
Wan, Soi Kok Weinrich, John E. 1997. Master
Resource-based view of the firm : a case study
Hong, Jacky Antonio, Nelson Jose dos Santos 1997. Master
Market reactions to stock splits in the Hong Kong stock market
Cheung, Oi Lin Terpstra, Robert Harold 1997. Master
Preliminary study on banking policies and practices in Macau
Tong, Sok Han Trigueiros, Duarte 1997. Master
A critical evaluation on the overall performance of the retail banking industry : a strategic analysis
Iu, Cheok Vo Scott, Haney 1997. Master

Showing 11 to 20 of 38 results