
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_down Issue Date Degree
Construction of fluorinated and crosslinked polyethyleneimine-based gene nanovector for cancer therapy
Yang, Su Lei Xin 陳美婉 2023. Doctoral
澳門私立中小學中文教師專業發展現狀及對策 = Teacher professional development of private primary and secondary schools in Macao : status quo and strategies check Full Text
蔡小彤 陳忠 2023. Master
漢德語"前後/內外"空間方向選擇及其認知動因對比 = A contrast of cognitive styles underlying spatial orientation "front-back/inside-outside" between Chinese and German check Full Text
鍾琦 陳忠 2023. Master
多變量競爭機制及其對漢語語序的影響 check Full Text
張翠吉 陳忠 2023. Doctoral
現代漢語存在句首尾論元易位的條件與動因 = The condition and motivation of the transposition of the first and last arguments in modern Chinese existential construction check Full Text
程昊玥 陳忠 2023. Master
The collaborative governance regime of The River Chief System : The Embeddedness of Institution-Technology-Action
Guo, Pei Wen 陳建新 2023. Doctoral
Examining a visual-analytics-supported problem-based learning environment within the business education context check Full Text
Zhang, Yu Yu 陳勤勤 2023. Doctoral
使用希沃白板對澳門小學生課堂參與度和數學成績的影響 check Full Text
李慧娟 陳勤勤 2023. Master
A comprehensive analysis of biopharmaceutical products listed in the FDA's Purple Book
Chen, Fu Duan 陳勁 2023. Master
PharmBCS : a biopharmaceutical classification system (BCS) class prediction web-platform based on machine learning algorithms with multiple molecular representations
Wu, Zheng 陳勁 2023. Master

Showing 31 to 40 of 653 results