
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_down Issue Date Degree
特別行政區與中國國家結構形式 : 一個歷史的視角
趙英杰 駱偉建 2023. Doctoral
建設北回歸線生態旅遊帶,助力鄉村振興的策略研究 : 以打造“北回歸線上的足跡”IP為例
陳日鈴 馮家超 2023. Doctoral
深化粵澳人才合作研究 : 以橫琴粵澳深合區金融業發展為例
張蕾 馮家超 2023. Doctoral
Exploring the role of rumination in the relationship between social support and social appearance anxiety
Guo, Ying Chao 陳薇文 2023. Master
The relationship between maternal psychological control and mental health : the mediation effect of self-compassion check Full Text
Zhou, Yao Kai 陳薇文 2023. Master
The mediating role of self-perceived mate value on the relationship between emerging adults' collectivism and romantic relationship satisfaction
Luo, Mei Qi 陳薇文 2023. Master
The mediating role of attention control in the relationship between self-efficacy and procrastination
Tan, Zhuo Xun 陳薇文 2023. Master
The mediating role of dual autonomy on the relationship between helicopter parenting and adolescent children's friendship quality check Full Text
Zhao, Zhi Xin 陳薇文 2023. Master
The moderating role of interpersonal harmony on nonattachment and well-being among junior high school students check Full Text
Tang, Xi Miao 陳薇文 2023. Master
仇沛淇 陳美婉 2023. Master

Showing 21 to 30 of 653 results