
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_down Issue Date Degree
Challenges of and strategies in teaching Chinese tones : a study on teachers of Chinese as a foreign language (CFL) in Macau check Full Text
Zhai, Si Yu 龔陽 2023. Master
Challenges and strategies of promoting student engagement in online classes : a study on teachers of Chinese as a foreign language
Pang, Qiao Wen 龔陽 2023. Master
Family language policy of families in a monolingual context : a case study in the Pearl River Delta region of Mainland China
Lei, Si Yu 龔陽 2023. Master
國際中文教材《跟我學漢語》中的全球公民教育之內容分析 check Full Text
何燕湘 龔陽 2023. Master
美學復歸: 朗西埃藝術政治思想研究 = Public debates of the return of aesthetics : a study of Rancière's political thoughts on art
蔣皓若 龔剛 2023. Master
見證視野下對革命文學中女性形象的再解讀 : 以丁玲《我在霞村的時候》和Elena Poniatowska《直到我看見你, 我的赫蘇薩》的比較分析為例 = The re-interpretation of the female figure in revolutionary literature from a testimonial perspective : a comparative analysis of Ding Ling's When I was in Xia Cun and Elena Poniatowska's Hasta no verte, Jesús mío check Full Text
劉涵鈺 龔剛 2023. Master
敘事倫理 : 從概念到實踐, 以蕭紅作品為例 = Narrative ethics : from concept to practice, using Xiao Hong's works as an example check Full Text
郭力銘 龔剛 2023. Master
比較《塵埃落定》與《喧嘩與騷動》癡傻視角下的不可靠敘事 = A comparison of the unreliable narratives of "Red Poppies" and "The Sound and the Fury" from a silly perspective check Full Text
鄺頌藍 龔剛 2023. Master
城市空間中的倫理書寫 : 以 1990 年代以來中國城市文學為中心 check Full Text
李姝 龔剛 2023. Doctoral
Artistic creative performances across socio-cultural factors : a comparison between Guizhou's and Macao's 4-8 years old students in China
Wong, Ka Ian 黃鏡英 2023. Master

Showing 1 to 10 of 653 results