
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_down Issue Date Degree
師範與非師範小學語文初任教師的語文學科教學知識對比研究 check Full Text
方靜茵 龔陽 2022. Master
現代中國自傳的興起 = The rise of the autobiography in modern China check Full Text
田俊 龔剛 2022. Master
"經典" 與 "未讀" : 弗朗格. 莫萊蒂 "距離閱讀" 理論再考察 = "Canon" and "Unread" : a review of Frange Moretti's "distance reading" theory check Full Text
高宸 龔剛 2022. Master
科幻人文主義 : 中國科幻文學的建構與轉型 = Science fiction humanism : the construction and transformation of Chinese science fiction literature check Full Text
李泓閱 龔剛 2022. Master
澳門文學中的城市書寫與想象 : 以嚴歌苓、郁達夫等為例 = Urban writing and imagination in Macau literature : a case study of Yan Geling and Yu Dafu check Full Text
鄧凱月 龔剛 2022. Master
從"哲性鄉愁"看畢飛宇《青衣》的戲曲書寫 = The writing of the opera in Bi Feiyu's "Tsing Yi" from the perspective of "philosophical nostalgia" check Full Text
李雨君 龔剛 2022. Master
白鯨成為《白鯨》: 象形文字的暴虐與文學性的書寫 = Moby Dick becomes Moby-Dick; or, The Whale : the violence of the hieroglyph and the writing of littérarité check Full Text
朱麗珊 龔剛 2022. Master
基於自閉症兒童與父母間家庭遊戲互動挑戰的家校合作質量研究 : 揭陽案例 check Full Text
陳詩婷 黃鏡英 2022. Master
Capitalising on family members' contributions to the inheritance of a heritage language in Qiandongnan Prefecture of Guizhou, China check Full Text
Lam, Sio Fan 黃鏡英 2022. Master
雲南少數民族地區幼兒教師遊戲信念 : 基於生活史視角的敘事研究 check Full Text
彭小彭 黃鏡英 2022. Master

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