
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_down Issue Date Degree
Task-based language teaching in the Chinese as a second language classroom : a study on teachers' beliefs and practices at the Confucius Institute in Macau check Full Text
Liao, Tie Miao 龔陽 2021. Master
徐志摩的性靈主義與自然觀 = Xu Zhimo's spiritualism and the view of nature check Full Text
張瀅文 龔剛 2021. Master
倫理敘事學視閾下澳門漢語新小說的賭徒形象研究 (1990-2020) = A study on the image of gamblers in Macau's new novel in Chinese from the perspective of ethical narrative (1990-2020) check Full Text
楊堤波 龔剛 2021. Master
女性視覺下的哲性鄉愁 : 論張翎的散文寫作 = Philosophical homesickness from the perspective of women : discourse on Zhang Ling's prose writing check Full Text
楊校園 龔剛 2021. Master
眷村的斷裂與懷舊 : 以台灣朱氏家族的創作為例 = Fracture and nostalgia in military dependents village : taking the creation of the Zhu family in Taiwan as an example check Full Text
周明潔 龔剛 2021. Master
An investigation of the professional development needs of the senior management in Macao schools : a qualitative study check Full Text
Ng, Sao Wai 黃素君 2021. Master
基於框架理論的高等教育機構形象建構之研究 : 以澳門大學為例 check Full Text
陳芳庭 黃素君 2021. Master
聖若瑟教區中學校部建設與管理之系譜學探究 check Full Text
劉錦屏 黃素君 2021. Master
探究澳門小學 "品德與公民" 教科書圖像中的公民身分與意識 check Full Text
鄧思健 黃素君 2021. Master
幼兒園男性教師生存現狀的研究 : 基於以山西省太原市 check Full Text
姚曉鋼 魏冰 2021. Master

Showing 1 to 10 of 711 results