
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_down Issue Date Degree
趙飛燕及其形象研究 = A study on Zhao Feiyan and her image check Full Text
張怡茹 鄧駿捷 2018. Master
漢代碑銘中的人物研究 check Full Text
楊笑菡 鄧駿捷 2018. Doctoral
論蘇軾之歸思 = Discussion about Su Shi's life destination check Full Text
梁婉喬 鄧國光 2018. Master
敦煌 "詩經" 卷子異文與詩義研究 = A study of the variant Chinese characters in Dunhuang Manuscripts of Shijing and the implication of it check Full Text
強韻嘉 鄧國光 2018. Master
司馬遷 "史記" 儒禮初探 = A fundamental research of Sima Qian's Ruist Courtesy in Shiji check Full Text
張婉穎 鄧國光 2018. Master
投資者、管理人員及具特別資格技術人員臨時居留制度研究 = A study on investors, managerial persnnel, technical and professional qualification holders residency scheme check Full Text
鄺君慧 邱庭彪 2018. Master
論澳門行政合同制度 = A study of the system of administrative contract in Macau check Full Text
簡慧妍 邱庭彪 2018. Master
粵澳兩地公司高管賄賂犯罪的比較 = Comparative legal analysis of bribery at company's senior management level : Macao's and Guangdong province's persperctives check Full Text
龍幗英 邱庭彪 2018. Master
澳門娛樂場博彩信貸債務跨域司法追償的可行性探析 : 以大中華地區為視角 = Analysis of the feasibility of cross-regional judicial recovery of obligation arising from casino gaming credit in Macao : from the perspective of Greater China check Full Text
黃偉境 邱庭彪 2018. Master
澳門歷史建築保存與活化研究 = Study on the preservation and revitalization of historical buildings in Macao check Full Text
李靖君 邢榮發 2018. Master

Showing 41 to 50 of 795 results