
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_down Issue Date Degree
論網絡用戶操作權 = Research on network user's execution rights check Full Text
王家珅 稅兵 2018. Master
The study on sustainable tourism development over mini-economies : a case study of Macao check Full Text
Liu, Meng Ze 盛力 2018. Master
優化內地居民赴台旅遊政策 : 從促進兩岸關系的角度 check Full Text
謝思雅 盛力 2018. Master
中國公共財政對文化產業發展的扶持政策研究 check Full Text
陸嘉琪 盛力 2018. Master
澳門宗教慈善組織 : "澳門明愛" 之發展環境與功能特徽研究 check Full Text
俞玥琦 盛力 2018. Master
"西蜀方言" 的親屬稱謂語研究 = A Study on the Kinship terms in Western Mandarin check Full Text
方雅琴 王銘宇 2018. Master
臺灣 "國語" 獨有詞研究 = Research on localized words of Taiwan Mandarin check Full Text
楊夢 王銘宇 2018. Master
環境公益訴訟證明制度的評價與重構 : 以風險分配功能為視角 = Evaluation and reconstructionof environmental pubilc interest litigation proof system : from the perspective of risk distribution function check Full Text
鄭蘊璨 王薇 2018. Master
房產稅法律制度研究 = Research on the legal system of realestate tax check Full Text
薛雨婷 王薇 2018. Master
中國大陸家事信託法律問題研究 = Study on the legal issues of family trust in China Mainland check Full Text
張阿林 王薇 2018. Master

Showing 111 to 120 of 795 results