
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_down Issue Date Degree
論企業商業秘密權與自由擇業權的衝突與平衡 : 以競業禁止為研究視角 = A discussion on the conflicts and balances between the right of the commercial secrets and the right of freedom in choosing a job : based on the "non compete aggrement" check Full Text
張雯吉 范劍虹 2018. Master
國際貨物買賣中關於風險轉移的研究 = Study on the transfer of risks in the international good trade check Full Text
何亦樓 范劍虹 2018. Master
中國網絡司法拍賣的制度分析 = The analysis of judicial auction online in China check Full Text
高暢 范劍虹 2018. Master
中國內地與澳門地區無權代理法律效果比較研究 = A comparative study of the legal effects of unauthorized agency in Mainland China and Macao check Full Text
陳惠芳 艾林芝 2018. Master
Hospitalization cost analysis of COPD patients in Guangdong province check Full Text
Li, Meng 胡豪 2018. Master
基於引證網絡的藥品專利價值分析 check Full Text
袁慶文 胡元佳 2018. Master
The structure and evolution of research and development collaboration network : An example of monoclonal antibodies check Full Text
Kong, Xiang Jun 胡元佳 2018. Doctoral
Scientific basis of traditional Chinese medicine : Explorations based on network pharmacology check Full Text
Zhang, Qian Ru 胡元佳 2018. Doctoral
從協調隱私權與知情權的角度探討澳門政府信息公開制度的構建 = From the perspective of coordinating the right of privacy and the right to know to explore the construction of the government information disclosure system in Macao check Full Text
黃嘉慧 稅兵 2018. Master
論澳門旅遊糾紛的解決機制 = On dispute resolution of tourism disputes in Macau check Full Text
張君竹 稅兵 2018. Master

Showing 101 to 110 of 795 results