
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_down Issue Date Degree
從漢字優化角度看通假原則在中日漢字規範化中的應用 = Using "TongJia" principle in the standardization of Chinese and Japanese Character's optimization check Full Text
張軒 鄧景濱 2015. Master
諺語定義研究 : 以澳門諺語為例 = On the definition of proverbs-a case study of Macau's (Proverbs) check Full Text
劉艷明 鄧景濱 2015. Master
"史記·刺客列傳" 的德性意義初探 = The moral significance of Shi Ji Assassinators Biography check Full Text
賴淑暉 鄧國光 2015. Master
陳澧的陶淵明詩評研究 = A study of Chen Li's critique of poetry of Tao Yuanming check Full Text
尤坤 鄧國光 2015. Master
孔子人倫思想探析 : 以 "論語" 為中心 = A study of the ethics of "The Analects" check Full Text
關健俊 鄧國光 2015. Master
忠節與文質 : 顏真卿生平及文章思想研究 = A study of Yan Zhenqing and his literary thought check Full Text
張立業 鄧國光 2015. Master
青海漢藏大學生語言態度的雙向調查 = A survey of bi-directional language attitude of the Han and Tibetan university students in Qinghai Province check Full Text
史曉玲 邵朝陽 2015. Master
贛粵語單字音聲調的實證研究 : 以南昌贛語和澳門粵語為例 = The empirical study on monosyllabic Tones of Gan (Nánchāng) and Yue (Macau) dialects check Full Text
徐揚 邵朝陽 2015. Master
A study on the language attitudes among the new immigrants to Macau check Full Text
張安宇 邵朝陽 2015. Master
馬禮遜 "華英字典" 女性相關詞特徵研究 : A study on the characteristics of female-related words in Robert Morrison's Chinese-English dictionary check Full Text
王璞 邵朝陽 2015. Master

Showing 61 to 70 of 666 results