
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_down Issue Date Degree
An inquiry on the training and development needs of the food and beverage industry in Macau
Kun, Vai Kun Zen Udani 2007. Master
Image-based modeling and physically-based design in virtual environment
Bin, Sheng Wu, Enhua 2007. Master
Image segmentation and reconstruction based on graph cuts and texton mask
Wu, Qing Hua Wu, Enhua 2007. Master
Operation and DC-link voltage control of three-phase four-wire unified power quality conditioners
Ng, Fan Wong, Man Chung 2007. Master
Import price uncertainly, production decisions and relative factor shares in Korea
Li, Da Wong, Ka Kei 2007. Master
A study of English reading attitudes, habits and strategies used by students in a secondary school in Macao
Tang, Nga Fong Wilhelm, Kim Hughes 2007. Master
Supplementing Hong Kong textbooks to facilitate students' English learning
O, Ka I Wilhelm, Kim Hughes 2007. Master
Underwriter reputation and initial returns of IPO stocks in HK
Zhao, Na Vong, Pou Iu 2007. Master
MBA(EC) 000 (SAMPLE) Acceptance of e-banking services : an empirical study in Pearl River Delta
Lam, Sok Chan Toraskar, Kranti 2007. Master
Acceptance of e-banking services : an empirical study in Pearl River Delta
Lam, Sok Chan Toraskar, Kranti 2007. Master

Showing 91 to 100 of 179 results