
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_down Issue Date Degree
The impact of information technology to the business in Macau
Lei, Chi Man Antonio, Nelson Jose dos Santos 2000. Master
The service sector of Macau analysis of three models for development
Chan, Keng Hong Antonio, Nelson Jose dos Santos 2000. Master
O vocativo em Portugues, uma abordagem
Carvalho, Ana Sofia Abreu de 2000. Master
Market research on China's feminine napkin topsheet market and how should Tredegar decide its market strategy
Li, Joshua 2000. Master
The challenge of developing a model gas utilities in China
Yang, Jun 2000. Master
A study of the judicature and legal system in the middle of the Qing Dynasty based on the legal cases from the Chinese documents in the National Archives of the Torre de Tombo
Liu, Jing Lian 2000. Master
Perspectiva psicolinguistica de estrategias de ensino/aprendizagem de uma lingua estrangeira
Martins, Custodio Cavaco 2000. Master
Some suggestions on developing the Chinese microbiology market
Song, Hao En 2000. Master
中國近代海關與19世紀80年代中葡修約談判 = A study on the Chinese customs and the 1880s Sino-Portuguese treaty negotiations
Kou, Wei 2000. Master
The logistics support strategy for fast moving consumer products distribution in China
Wu, Philip 2000. Master

Showing 61 to 70 of 89 results