
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_up Issue Date Degree
Implementation of ISO 9001 : 2000 in a utility company
Ho, Melinda Ao Ieong, Tai Man 2009. Master
A traducao de girias do cantones para o portugues em interpelacoes escritas da Assembleia Legislativa da RAEM check Full Text
Lok, Kun Kun Ao, Sio Heng 2016. Master
Aesthetic morality in Oscar Wilde's works
Lok, Fong Io Appler, Gilbert Keith 2007. Master
Against Interpretation : dream work and film work in Susan Sontag's Death Kit
Zhai, Yu Appler, Gilbert Keith 2012. Master
Lies of the mind in Sam Shepard's family plays
Tong, Wai Fong Appler, Gilbert Keith 2008. Master
A postmodernist parodic allegory : Thomas Pynchon's The Crying of Lot 49
Li, Xu Appler, Gilbert Keith 2009. Master
Pastoralism and environmental ethics in the novels of Willa Cather : an ecocritical study check Full Text
Ieong, Weng Sam Appler, Gilbert Keith 2009. Master
Troubling the female continuum in Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway and To the Lighthouse
Lu, Qian Qian Appler, Gilbert Keith 2010. Master
Theodore Dreiser's Sister Carrie and the self in consumer society
Tang, Chi Kin Appler, Gilbert Keith 2010. Master
Chay Yew's "Whitelands Trilogy" : the queer hyphen in Asian(-)American identity
Kong, Io Chun Appler, Gilbert Keith 2009. Master

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